- Cornwall Central School District
- Board Committees
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Board Committees
Board Policy Committee
The Board Policy Committee has met regularly with Administrators pursuant to a project initiated three years ago with the New York State School Board Association to review and update the District’s policies. The Committee continues to meet occasionally to consider new policies and updates and provide recommendations to the Board.
Chair: Brendan CartyMembers: Christian Brunelli, Tiffany Gagliano, Bass Shakra -
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee meets regularly with Administrators (Buildings and Grounds, Business, Superintendent) to assess the needs of the district in relation to our building classrooms, education space needs and athletic complex, and how we can best meet the present and future needs of our district and outside group usage.
Chair: Jim Creagan
Members: Brendan Carty, Eleonora Fazio, Tiffany Gagliano -
Communications Committee
The Committee will function to develop an understanding of the District's budget process and the annual budget proposal in order that it may assist in educating and communicating to the school district community members, factual information regarding the proposed budget. The committee shall collaborate, communicate and cooperate with entities within the Cornwall Central School District so that events are publicized, and resources (both living and inanimate) are best used, thereby strengthening the entire community for everyone’s benefit.
Chair: Brendan Carty
Members: Christian Brunelli, Christine Diaz, Richard Schaffner
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee will meet to review all audits and practices related to the fiscal operations of the District in accordance with Board policies and present their findings and any recommendations to the entire Board of Education.
Chair: Christian Brunelli
Members: Jim Creagan, Tiffany Gagliano -
Visitation Committee
Members of the Visitation Committee will visit schools to observe the implementation of Next Generation Standards and to listen to teachers share thoughts regarding various topics, including resources needed for optimum instruction. The committee will also visit classrooms upon invitation by the teacher.
Chair: Richard Schaffner
Members: Christien Diaz, Carl Gilpatrick, Eleonora Fazio
Files & Documents
Board Policy Committee
Facilities Committee
BOE Facilities Committee Meeting Agenda 5.31.2023
BOE Facilities Committee Meeting Agenda for May 31, 2023. Meeting will be held at the High School in room A21 at 6:00 p.m.
Communications Committee
Public Forum on the Capital Project 1.17.2023
Attached please find the Power Point Presentation from the BOE Communications Committee Meeting from January 17, 2023. If anything further is needed please contact Mr. Brendan Carty, Communications Committee Chair at bcarty@cornwallschools.com .
CCSD Capital Project Update - 1_17_23 Communications Committee Presentation.pdf 17.18 MB (Last Modified on January 23, 2023)
Audit Committee
BOE Audit Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Agenda
The BOE Audit Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the District Office. Meeting agenda is attached.