Recommendations for parents to implement at home to help increase speech/language skills:
Board Games
There are a lot of board games that are wonderful for developing vocabulary, fluency, vocal volume/tone, pragmatics (turn-taking, topic maintenance, etc.,) as well as receptive and expressive language. Some of my favorites include:
Last Word
Catch Phrase
Guess Who
Cranium Cariboo
Cranium Balloon Lagoon
Sequence for Kids
Apples to Apples (Jr. edition too)
Links to Resources
Verbal Games
Guess What/20 questions
Yes or No ("Dogs have 2 feet", child says "no")
Which One Doesn't Belong and Why?: ("apple, milk, banana")
"Hotter/Colder": hide something and guide with clues
I Spy
If you have specific questions about how to help your child with their specific communication goals, please contact me via email and I will happy to help support you.