Welcome to Global Studies

  • This is a two-year course that spans history from the dawn of man to contemporary times.  At the end of this two-year course, each student is required to take the New York State Regents Exam.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at anytime!



    Global 9 Advanced:

    Tuesday, January 23 @ 7:30 am


    Global 10 Advanced:

    Thursday, January 25 @ 7:30 am


Late Assignment Policy

    • Students will be graded out of 100 points for all assignments including homework, essays, and projects that are completed by the due date.  
    • Assignments handed in the next day will be graded out of 80 points.  
    • After that students will not receive credit for completed assignments. 

    This policy is in place to encourage students to complete their assignments in a timely manner and to be fair to those students who consistently hand in carefully completed assignments on the day they are due.