• 2023-2024 Grading Policy

    In classes where midterms are required, this assessment will be 6% of a student's overall grade. In classes that end in finals/regents exams, these assessments will count as 10% of a student’s overall grade. Below lists the breakdown for most full and half year courses.

    Type of Course

    Quarter %

    Midterm %

    Final/Regents %

    Total %

    Full Year Course





    Half Year Course





    *In courses that do not end in a regents or final exam, quarters will be worth 25% for a full year and 50% for a half year.*  

    Grading Criteria for Year Long Courses (English 10 Advanced and English 11)

    Homework/Reader Response/Classwork/Participation (5-20 points):

    The amount of time spent on homework depends on the text we are reading.  Homework will typically be worth 5-20 points, depending on the nature of the assignment.  Sometimes I will collect and formally grade homework assignments; at other times, I will simply circulate and check your homework in class.  All homework, unless I collect it, should be completed in the homework section of your notebook.

    Every student is expected and encouraged to participate.  Positive participation in English class means:

    • Being on time and prepared for class

    • Asking questions (both clarifying questions and discussion questions)

    • Demonstrating a willingness to help classmates

    • Responding to directions or a writing prompt on the board without being reminded

    • Actively listening and taking notes

    • Sharing in discussions

    • Remaining respectful even during disagreements

    Quizzes (5-50 points)

    You will have reading quizzes during each unit.  There will be times when I will allow you to use your notes, so it is imperative that you keep your notes consistent and neat. We will have vocabulary quizzes approximately once per quarter.

    Essays/Projects/Tests (40-100 points):

    This year will be a writing-intensive year.  You will be writing both on-demand and out of-class essays throughout the year.  These essays will serve as a way to assess your understanding of a text, your ability to write clearly and effectively, and to continually hone your writing skills.  Sometimes I will assign projects-individual and group-as alternative forms of assessment.  Occasionally, you will take an exam to assess your understanding.

    Late Policy

    Absence is not an excuse for a missing or late assignment. In the age of technology, the expectation is that work is submitted electronically (via Google classroom or email) in the event that a student cannot be present in class.  If a student has a legitimate excuse, it is their responsibility to reach out to me to determine whether an extension is warranted.

    Writing assignments (final drafts), projects, or long-term assignments:

    The English Department policy states that late essays will be penalized 10 points for every day an assignment is late.  After five days (including weekends), the late assignment, project or presentation will NOT be accepted and you will receive a 0.   


    Due to the varied nature of homework assignments throughout the course of a year, the penalties for late work will reflect the expectations of the assignment. Typically, homework assignments to be reviewed the next day in class will receive a penalty of 0 if not turned in on time.  If you miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to show me the assignment for credit when you return.

    Quiz and test make-up:

    It is the student’s responsibility to make up quizzes and tests within five days of returning to class. Work not made up in the allotted time will result in a 0.


    Grading Criteria-Half-year Courses

    70% - Projects/Writing/Publication

    20% - Quizzes/Classwork//Homework

    10%-Participation (attendance, effort, attitude towards your work and your peers)


    Cell Phone Policy

    As everyone knows, cell phones and airpods/earbuds/head phones cause distractions. It is for that reason that in the 2023-2024 school year, cell phone use will be strictly prohibited by the English department (unless otherwise instructed for the given lesson), as per the CCSD’s Code of Conduct Off and Away Policy. By signing this contract, students and parent(s)/guardians acknowledge the following rules. Please note that this policy will be enforced whether or not the contract is signed and returned. 

    • Upon entering the classroom, students are required to place their cell phone out of sight, preferably in their bookbag/purse--  NOT in their pocket/on their person. Airpods/headphones must also be put away with the phone. 

    • Should the student be caught violating the classroom guidelines for cell phone use, the following protocol will follow:

    CCSD’s Code of Conduct contains a cell phone policy of “off and away”.

    • 1st offense- Warning

    • 2nd offense- Warning and a teacher's phone call home

    • 3rd offense - Teacher phone call home and lunch or after school detention with teacher. 

    • 4th offense and beyond-  The student will receive an office referral.  

    **NOTE: Refusal to put the phone away will automatically result in the 3rd offense.**